How it works for solar

First, we'll need some details about your home
Such as it's type, how many bedrooms it has, how many occupants use it's energy and how many parts of it's roof you'd like solar panels on - it's nothing too complex.

From the answers that you provide, we're able accurately to calculate (using MCS data) how much a solar PV installation is likely to impact your home's bills.
Now, it's time to do some drawing. The really clever bit.
It's super easy. You'll just draw around the roof space that you'd like your panels on, which way it points towards, and we'll do the rest.

Our tech will deep-analyse the data, calculating how many solar panels we can fit, how much energy they'll generate and how that energy will impact your bills.
Once you've finalised your quote and seen your savings
If you wish to explore things further, simply submit your details and a member of our team will be in touch to complete a full system design, then plan your booking.
Solar, superfast
Fitted in 4-6 weeks

Solar, safely
We're MCS certified installers
We set out to simplify the world of solar, just like we did for boilers. The barriers to bill-reducing have been pulled down, and the process of getting solar installed at a great price have been sped up.
Sam Price — Founder