Danfoss Smart Heating - it's literally just you who's Googled this.

Danfoss Smart Heating - it's literally just you who's Googled this.

Everything we urge you to know about the magic of Danfoss Smart Heating. Heating your home just became a whole lot easier with Smart Heating - read how Danfoss do it. Or don't, I bloody wouldn't.

Danfoss are acutely aware of the human condition. They know how you suffer. They know what you go through.

Most importantly of all, they know on top of all the drivel you’re dealing with day after day and week after week, that you cannot possibly have the time, patience or even physical dexterity to adjust the temperature dials on all of your radiators.

Danfoss couldn't be a spectator in this theatre of anguish any longer. Danfoss are releasing you from this hell.

Danfoss Smart Heating and the electronic radiator thermostat is here - finally.

What the hell is Danfoss Smart Heating?

If you've been living in baron mountains for the last several years then there is a 17% chance you haven't heard of Danfoss Smart Heating so we'll run over the basics for you newbies. 

According to Danfoss, we - the struggling human race - spend almost 90% of our time inside. Yes, 90%. That's 10% less than 100%. Wow.

Upon learning this terrifying statistic, the team at Danfoss presumably, for lack of a better term, totally lost their s**t. How could we cope spending 90% of our time inside whilst having to manually manage our home heating and juggle the chaos of modern life? 

Having got straight to work and thought up the answer, the Danfoss Smart Heating set was born. Technology allowing you to control your boiler and your radiators, anywhere - from your phone. The Danfoss starter kit provides you with not one, not four but three thermostatic radiator valves (apply to radiators of your choice) which you'll then be in total, god-like control of from the anti-social comfort of your smart phone screen. No more back breaking attempts to turn the heating up.

How Danfoss ooze confidence

Below is a snippet from the website of Danfoss, describing their Smart Heating set. We'll take a deeper look.

Danfoss Smart Heating solution ensures that the temperature stays just the way you like it. Your home will be warm and cozy when you get home. You will also gain on savings, when you are away or asleep. Try out and enjoy the ultimate comfort experience.

"Danfoss Smart Heating solution Ensures" Danfoss don't play. They ooze confidence and they will ensure your temperature is bang on.

"Temperature stays just the way you like it" - Here's Danfoss again, putting you first. The temperature isn't the way they like it, or how society says you should like it. It's just how you like it. Welcome to the revolution.

"Your home will be warm and cozy" - Warm is usually enough. Warm is enough for every other manufacturer. It's not enough for Danfoss, they're making you cosy whilst confidently spelling it with a 'Z'.

"Gain on savings, when you are away or asleep" - As if gaining on savings isn't enough, they'll help you to do so when you're unconscious. That's pioneering. 

"The ultimate comfort experience" - Yes, Danfoss. Yes.

I'm sold but how much is the Danfoss life going to cost me?

The Danfoss starter kit is listed on Amazon at £325.00 - an absolute bargain for such a life changing asset. But does it really cost you that?

Actually, not really.

The immeasurable control that Danfoss bestows upon you with Smart Heating is going to save you money - even whilst you sleep, remember? 

Truly enchance your life and also treat yourself to a new Viessmann Vitodens 050-W combi boiler.

Findings differ and it depends how determined you are to keep track of your energy usage but some research suggests a smart thermostat can save you up to 27% on your heating bills annually.

Do the maths with your own heating bill and see how soon that Danfoss Smart Heating will pay for itself, and then start saving you money.

So where do you go from here?

Do you take the red pill or the blue pill?

Freedom or the illusion of freedom?

Spine wrenching manoeuvres to adjust your thermostatic radiator valves and the relentless anxiety of controlling your household temperature? 

Or Danfoss Smart Heating? The choice is yours.

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